Ansible 3: Practice LAB

Ansible 3: Practice LAB

  1. Setup Hosts File

    Question. Create an Ansible file called /root/hosts with the hosts in your network.





    You may use ini or yaml format for ansible hosts files

    Add this to file /root/hosts


  2. Check functionality and connectivity

    Question. Verify connectivity to all hosts with ping module and save the output to /root/ping_check.


    Executing ping module against both servers

     ansible servers -i /root/hosts -m ping

    Executing ping module against both servers and output to /root/ping_check

     ansible servers -i /root/hosts -m ping > /root/ping_check
  3. Add inventory for future environments

    Question. Your team is going to be adding new servers to the environment that haven't been built yet. Update your inventory file at /root/hosts to reflect the new environments.

    • Update the /root/hosts file

    • Use ansible-inventory commands to view the file values.


    Update the /root/hosts file to have a test and prod environment.

    vi /root/hosts and then esc + : wq to save.

     controltest type=client
     node01test  type=server
     controlprod type=client
     node01prod  type=server

    Now that you've updated the inventory for the new systems, view the inventory with ansible-inventory to see the host groups.

     ansible-inventory -i /root/hosts --list

    To see that in graph output use this command.

     ansible-inventory -i /root/hosts --graph

    To see that in yaml output.

     ansible-inventory -i /root/hosts --list -y
  4. Ad Hoc to gather data

    Question. Verify your hosts file and test ad hoc commands to your servers

    • Verify servers uptime

    • Verify OS type of servers

    • Verify date and time of servers


    • Create a file /root/version with the Ansible Facts for the distribution of each server.

    • Create a file /root/date with the Ansible Facts for the current date of each server.


     cat /root/hosts

    Check server uptime

     ansible servers -i /root/hosts -m shell -a 'uptime'

    Setup module gives so much information you can use during playbook execution.

     ansible servers -i /root/hosts -m setup

    Cut that output down a bit so you can just check the host distribution information

     ansible servers -i /root/hosts -m setup -a 'filter=ansible_distribution'

    Send this output to the required file

     ansible servers -i /root/hosts -m setup -a 'filter=ansible_distribution' > /root/version

    Cut that output down a bit so you can just check the host time information

     ansible servers -i /root/hosts -m setup -a 'filter=ansible_date_time'

    Send this output to the required file

     ansible servers -i /root/hosts -m setup -a 'filter=ansible_date_time' > /root/date


    -i = Inventory

    -m = Module

    -a = Module Argument

  5. Ad Hoc to copy and edit

    Question. Verify your /root/hosts file and /root/configfile.cfg

    • Create a directory on your servers for deployments named /opt/deployment

    • Push over your config file

    • Change the values of var1 to equal 111111 only in the config file in /opt/deployment


     cat /root/hosts
     cat /root/configfile.cfg

    Create a Directory on each server named /opt/deployment

     ansible servers -i /root/hosts -m file -a 'path=/opt/deployment state=directory'

    Copy over your /root/configfile.cfg to that directory

     ansible servers -i /root/hosts -m copy -a 'src=/root/configfile.cfg dest=/opt/deployment'

    Let's fix a bad configuration line from 000000 to 111111 with the lineinfile module

     ansible servers -i /root/hosts -m lineinfile -a "path=/opt/deployment/configfile.cfg regexp='^var1' line='var1=111111'"

    Quick verification that it looks good on all servers

     ansible servers -i /root/hosts -m shell -a 'cat /opt/deployment/configfile.cfg'
  6. Create a playbook to stage an application.

    Question. Verify your host's file

    Create a deploy playbook called /root/deploy.yml to push the file /root/deploy.tar.gz over to all servers in the /opt directory.


     cat /root/hosts
     vim /root/deploy.yml

    Yaml for playbook

     - name: Start of Deployer playbook
       hosts: servers
       gather_facts: True
       become: False
         - name: Copy deploy.tar.gz over at {{ ansible_date_time.iso8601_basic_short }}
             src: /root/deploy.tar.gz
             dest: /opt/deploy.tar.gz
             checksum: c6cd21b75a4b300b9228498c78afc6e7a831839e

    Get sha1 checksum of the archive.

     sha1sum /root/deploy.tar.gz

    Run Playbook and verify that everything pushed correctly

     ansible-playbook -i /root/hosts /root/deploy.yml

    Manual verify for all

     ansible servers -i /root/hosts -m shell -a 'ls -l /opt/deploy.tar.gz'